STEM Preparatory Elementary

LA Charter school for grades TK-5

Unlocking the potential of young minds with free STEM education

Who We Are

Elementary Charter School in Los Angeles

STEM Prep Elementary is a Los Angeles charter school that opened on Fall of 2018 at the corner of Normandie and Jefferson. We serve students in grades TK through 5th. 

The vision of STEM Prep Schools  is to create a kindergarten through college pipeline of individuals who will transform their community by closing the socio-economic, ethnic, and gender gaps in STEM fields, and serving as role models who exhibit scholarliness, advocacy, perseverance, and kindness.

Our Students

Empowering Underserved Communities

The STEM Prep family of schools is committed to disrupting the status quo of inequitable access to high quality STEM pathways for women and minorities by cultivating a family of students and staff who solve problems through collaboration, innovation, passion, and perseverance.

What Our Parents Say

"Muy buena escuela, estoy más satisfecha por la educación y enseñanza hacia mis hijos 💯% garantizada y recomendad 👍 👍 👏"
STEM family
Maria Galicia

Our Family

The STEM Prep Pipeline

STEM Prep Schools

The HQ for all things STEM Prep

Crown Prep Academy

Grades 5 – 8

MS College Prep

Grades 9 – 12

Aspiring Inventor

STEM Prep Elementary

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